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Cookies Policy

What is the Cookie Policy?

Cookie policy: By accessing the Casinonoa website, the data subject agrees to use cookies following this policy. Cookies are small files (files) that store information on the visitor's computer or mobile device and are used:

  • ▹ to allow recognition of the visitor and the device used by him, for example, by identifying the IP address used;
  • ▹ provide a better-customized use of the Website;
  • ▹ would obtain data that would allow Casinonoa to analyze how visitors use the Website and make the resulting improvements.

The law requires us to store cookies on your device because they are necessary for this website's operation.

How do we use cookies?

We need to use specific cookies to provide you with the requested services. These cookies will be used to manage the provision of any requested web services. If you do not agree to use these cookies, access to services may be difficult, and you may not receive certain requested services, such as access to protected areas of our Website. These cookies do not track information that could be used for marketing purposes and do not remember your history of Internet visits.

We use web analytics:

Casinonoa’s Website uses Google Analytics, the Internet's most widely used web analytics service. Google will use this data to assess your website usage habits, gather reports on website activity for website operators, and offer other services connected to website activity and internet usage. We use these details to make reports and improve the performance of our Website. Collected data will typically be aggregated to identify trends and usage patterns that enable business analysis, site or platform improvements, and performance measurement. We collect information such as the number of visitors to our websites, the number of customers who log into the system, the time and duration of the visit, and the areas and services of the Website. These cookies help us determine which pages are the most popular and least popular and how visitors move around the site.

We use cookies for advertising purposes:

To improve our services, we cooperate with third-party companies and use third-party cookies that allow us to identify the products you are interested in and provide relevant and helpful advertising. Our service provider partners may, with our permission based solely on your consent, place third-party cookies or employ other technologies on our websites and instruments.

How can I change my cookie settings?

Casinonoa no always provides the option to disable the use of cookies through the settings of the web browser or phone browser used.

Unfortunately, if you block cookies, some interactive and functional features and services of our Website may not be available. Therefore, we recommend that users of our websites and services agree to our use of cookies.